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TwoKinds - Waking up without any memory of who he is, the human Trace Legacy soon finds himself in a battle between three races: the human, and catlike Keidran, and the doglike Basitin. Even as he begins to form a relationship with the Keidran Flora, Trace begins to realize what he once was: a Templar, one who kills Keidran.


Web Sites

Hedgehog :: Super Sonic Hedgehog - The ultimate resource for all your Sonic wants and needs with images, profiles, lyrics, forums, game help, and more. If you're a fan of the Sonic The Hedgehog series, this is the place for you. Become a member of Hedgehog today!

Sailor Scouts United - This site is dedicated to Sailor Moon and all of the remakes. From the North America dub to the live action drama; and even the original manga! Starting in 1992, Takeuchi-san published Sailor Moon in a magazine, then was urged to continue with Sailor Moon. This led to the Sailor Senshi we know today. If you're a fan of thsi Magical Girl series, join up now!

Secret Order of the Muffin Mafia - Welcome to The Secret Order of the Muffin Mafia... no relation whatsoever to the Russian Mafia or so-called 'Dark Muffin Mafia' which was created by followers of the Army of the Damned. Please let there be no confusion, we are not a cult. We are merely a bunch or teenagers with too much creativity and not enough sanity.

Cursed Blood © to the creator and author, Sarah Noonan. Cursed Blood is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.