Wednesday , December 27 , 2006


First comic Previous comic

1/24/07 -- CURSED BLOOD ON HIATUS. Why? lack. Of. Interest. By artist, that is. My art skills are only getting worse since this comic came out. I plan on either taking a crack at another comic, one without a flowing plot, or returning to this one in a few months to a year once I get betetr at drawing. I'll practice hard, and come back to shock you all! You'll see!

12/27/06 -- Yay! I have a fans! I feel so loved~! Anyway, I know I didn't put up any Holiday images... I was busy with... well, the Holidays. Also, Washington had a huge storm, so... power was out for awhile. Anyway, new page is up. Moving into chapter one! I'm so happy! And this is the first update in awhile... I need to get a blogger thing set up so I can update more often... Oh, and I'm trying some fancy codes at the moment to make the site easier for me to update so I can get more features up. Hooray for iFrames!

10/05/06 -- About time, huh? I had the page all done and everything, I just kept putting off the shading... and putting it off... and putting it off... but now, it's done! Hooray! A bit of a cliffhanger... exactly what IS that thing Drummer brought in? And why does it make him gay!? Oooh, the suspense! Oh yeah... does anyone actually read this? Cause... I'd like some confirmation that someone does... otherwise... I'd be sad... XD Send me an email if you like. Or check out my dA, which is NEW by the way! Whee, new account.

09/13/06 -- Cursed Blood has moved into... color! I got a tablet awhile ago and finally have figured out how to get amazing results with it. Next comic, I think I'll try to tidy up the lines, you know, with anti-aliasing and all that good stuff. Oh, and I gotta plan these pages out better... it doesn't seem to flow very well to me; maybe because I just want to get to the first chapter and so I'm rushing a little... whatever it is, I'm sure I'll be able to slow down soon.

Oh, and school has started, so the two weeks thing... may not be so strict. On the other hand, with the tablet I can draw these much faster with MUST better results, so... who knows. Maybe the comic will be coming out even faster! That'd be a dream.

08/11/06 -- Second comic has been set up and finished, along with the banner and titles, and the navigation buttons. The archive pages are under construction for the moment being and the Archive page itself will remain under construction for awhile. I've started the layout of the new comic, and after a few more I should reach chapter one, but for now, I'll be leaving for the weekend.

I'd also like to make a point that I'll try to update every 2 weeks, if possible, and this section will be updated more regularly. These comics take a long time to shade, and if in the near future a tablet comes my way, I'll be able to spit them out in color. Maybe I could even work that out before chapter one? Who knows. Either way, please keep reading and enjoy!

08/07/06 -- The site has been set up with a new layout and everything. Some features are not yet available.

Cursed Blood © to the creator and author, Sarah Noonan. Cursed Blood is hosted on ComicGenesis, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.